Witchcraft [v0.9.7][Red Silhouette] UPDATED
In episode 2 of the second season of I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying, silhouettes of Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon holding hands appear as Kaoru reads a book on compatibility with her husband.
Witchcraft [v0.9.7][Red Silhouette]
Chinese herbal property theory (CHPT) is the fundamental characteristic of Chinese materia medica different from modern medicines. It reflects the herbal properties associated with efficacy and formed the early framework of four properties and five flavors in Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica. After the supplement and improvement of CHPT in the past thousands of years, it has developed a theory system including four properties, five flavors, meridian entry, direction of medicinal actions (ascending, descending, floating and sinking) and toxicity. However, because of the influence of philosophy about yin-yang theory and five-phase theory and the difference of cognitive approach and historical background at different times, CHPT became complex. One of the complexity features was the multiple methods for determining herbal property, which might include the inference from herbal efficacy, the thought of Chinese Taoist School and witchcraft, the classification thinking according to manifestations, etc. Another complexity feature was the multiselection associations between herbal property and efficacy, which indicated that the same property could be inferred from different kinds of efficacy. This paper analyzed these complexity features and provided the importance of cognitive approaches and efficacy attributes corresponding to certain herbal property in the study of CHPT.
To evaluate the influence of the lower lip prominence for varying degrees of chin prominence in the sagittal plane and to establish whether lower lip prominence affects the perceived desire for surgery. To assess differences in preference between orthodontists and laypeople as well as the effect of age, gender, and ethnicity of observers on perceptions of attractiveness and desire for surgery. A silhouette of an idealized profile image was created. The image was manipulated to create six images demonstrating different degrees of retrogenia and progenia altered in 4-mm increments from -12 mm to +12 mm and six images demonstrating chin and lower lip prominence in 4-mm increments from -12 mm to +12 mm. One hundred laypeople and 30 orthodontists ranked the images from the most to the least attractive. A duplicate of one of the images was used in order to assess intraexaminer reliability. The amount and direction of sagittal chin position and the prominence of the lower lip were found to have a significant effect on image rank. Chin protrusion was less attractive than retrusion and surgery was desired more often for these images. The overall direction of opinion was the same for laypeople and orthodontists. The chin prominence observed in a progenic patient is deemed less attractive than the combined chin and lower lip prominence observed in a patient with mandibular prognathism. In profiles with a more prominent chin a more protrusive lower lip position was preferred. When the chin was retrusive, a normal lower lip position was preferred to a retrusive lip. 041b061a72